mercredi 30 décembre 2015

Weight-Loss Solutions for the New Year

These weight loss tips can help you stick to your new year's resolutions this time around.

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10 Reasons Your Belly Fat Isn't Going Away

Yes, stomach pudge may be stubborn, but here are a slew of research-proven ways to dump it for good.

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mardi 29 décembre 2015

32 Ways to Reverse Holiday Weight Gain in 1 Week

If you gained a few pounds during the holiday season, you're not alone. But the good news is that you can lose the weight quickly—in fact, it's possible to do it in just 7 days.

from Diet & Fitness -

mercredi 23 décembre 2015

13 Weight Loss Resolutions You Shouldn't Make

Swap sure-to-fail New Year's resolutions with goals you'll actually stick to.

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mardi 22 décembre 2015

30 Easy Tips to Get Slimmer in 30 Days

Follow this monthlong plan and say hello to a thinner, healthier you.

from Diet & Fitness -

5 Moves for Stronger Arms

Looking to tone your arms but don't want to add bulk? In this video, Cassey Ho demonstrates how to do 5 exercises to strengthen up your arms, blast fat, and get toned.

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lundi 21 décembre 2015

Cassey Ho Tells You How to Get Strong and Lean in 2016

Cassey Ho strolls onto the set of her Health cover shoot sporting short-shorts and a cropped T, looking every bit the California girl. "Hello!" she says, flashing a smile. Immediately you want to be her best friend. She's just so darn relatable—which is probably one of the reasons why the POP Pilates creator has more than 2.6 million subscribers to her Blogilates YouTube channel. Her fans even include such famous fitness fanatics as Lolo Jones and Taylor Swift.

But it wasn't easy getting here. At an early age, Cassey struggled with her father's expectations (more on that later). Today, the 28-year-old is a power brand, helping women reach their fitness goals while spreading a body-positive message. Her workouts—fun mat Pilates choreographed to Top 40 music—are taught offline, too, in 24 Hour Fitness gyms.

Here, Cassey shares how she has stayed strong all these years. Better yet, she worked with us to create the 30-Day Total Body Challenge. Sign up for exclusive fitness videos and tips that will help you get a killer body and have fun doing it.

What is the first piece of get-healthy advice you would give us?
Find a workout you love. A lot of times people are like, "CrossFit is in, so I am going to do CrossFit," but it's not right for everyone. Neither is yoga or Pilates. When you wake up and you cannot wait to get going, that is the workout for you. You'll stick to it, it won't feel like a chore, and then everything else will fall into place. You'll start losing weight and you'll feel less stressed—less stress will mean less cortisol, and you know, for women, stress leads you to hold extra fat in your lower belly.

RELATED: Why You're Not Losing Belly Fat  

You make it sound so easy.
You just have to get on track. You don't have to feel good while you are doing it. Once you get through a workout, you should feel exhausted, but also strong. Build on that the next day!

What do you love most about exercise?
Working out makes me feel so victorious and like I can do anything. I love that it's not dependent on anything but you and how far you want to go.

You've built a pretty impressive brand. What's your secret?
I always tell people to just get started. That's what I did. I was working a job in a toxic environment and I wasn't happy, so I quit. The only plan I had was to believe in myself. A lot of people stay stuck, but you are the CEO of your own life, and you can make it what you want it to be. Seriously, just get your message out there. Everyone has a smartphone, and there are so many avenues—Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube.

What mind-set will help us succeed with our New Year's goals?
Even though you are on a weight-loss journey, you have to realize that you may not be happy when you get there, so you need to love your body and every step along the way. This is not about vanity; it's about finding the joy in working out and making it your lifestyle.

Did you always know you wanted a career in fitness?
My dad wanted me to be a doctor, but I had no passion for that. I wanted a different career, but he told me that I would fail. I was 16! He said I was dishonoring the family. We stopped talking for a few years. It was crazy stuff that could break a person, and it almost broke me. But I knew that I had to live for myself. Now my dad brags about me, and both my parents are very happy for me.

Do you ever feel pressure to stay camera-ready?
Absolutely. I feel the pressure to look a certain way every single day. And I get it—I am a fitness instructor. But there are some people who think that because I don't have six-pack abs, I am not a great instructor. That has nothing to do with my 10 years of experience of teaching. It has nothing to do with all of the lives I've changed.

RELATED: 10 Simple Tricks to Lose Weight Fast  

What do you love most about your body?
My legs—they are very strong. I can leg-press 270 pounds! Also, I love where my legs take me, metaphorically and realistically.

What gives you the most confidence?
Being sure of myself and continually working toward getting better and stronger—that makes me feel beautiful from the inside out.

With social media, is it hard not to compare yourself with others?
You should only compare yourself with who you were yesterday and try to be stronger than that. If you are trying to be someone else, you have already lost yourself. Plus, on Instagram, people post the perfect portfolio of their life; it's not real. I don't post myself crying or stuffing my face with burritos.

What are you eating when we aren't looking? What's your cheat meal?
Instead of "cheat," which has a negative connotation, I say "YOLO."

As in you only live once?
Yes! I recommend one YOLO meal a week. Sometimes you just need to feed your soul! So there is this one place, and it has these fried French toast sticks with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top and strawberry. But to be honest, as much as I love YOLO meals, I go into a food coma and just get sleepy because of all the sugar. I've found that the more you eat clean, the more your body wants to stay on that path.

What is your biggest fear?
Losing all motivation. I really believe that is the beginning point of everything; that is the thing that makes you get up in the morning. Once you lose it, you lose confidence. You kind of lose everything.

Take the 30-Day Total Body Challenge!

Cassey's Food Diary

"I love Paleo banana pancakes. All you need is two eggs and one ripe banana; mash them together until they form a batter, and then pour it into a skillet. And it's already sweet, so you don't need the syrup."

"Some type of salad, such as spinach with salmon, cranberries, nuts and raw onions with a little raspberry vinaigrette, or a chicken fiesta salad with corn, salsa, avocado and baby greens."

Afternoon pick-me-up
"A power smoothie is the best thing ever. I use orange juice, almond milk, strawberries and bananas. You can add spinach, too. It's also a great way to refuel post-workout."

"Brussels sprouts and salmon. Or I buy rice paper and fill the sheets with boiled chicken and lettuce, and then roll, roll, roll. I'll dip them in a homemade sauce made with hoisin, sriracha and tons of lemon juice. It is such a great healthy, make-it-at-the-table meal."

Cassey is wearing:

from Diet & Fitness -

Take the 30-Day Total Body Challenge

Follow along with the 30-Day Total Body Challenge from Cassey Ho of Blogilates. Cassey will set you up with the best exercises to tone and strengthen your arms, thighs, butt and core, plus she'll give great tips for getting through cardio and rest days.

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Rest-Day Tips from Cassey Ho

You've worked hard and you deserve a rest. In this video, Cassey Ho gives tips for what to do on your rest day, how to make the most of it, and why it's an important part of your workout routine.

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Cassey Ho’s 7-Move Total Body Workout

Want to work out your entire body in just a few moves? Cassey Ho, founder of POP Pilates and Blogilates, demonstrates how to get a toned body in just 7, fat-blasting moves.

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5 Ab Exercises That Blast Belly Fat

Having an excess of belly fat can cause serious health problems—from heart disease to type 2 diabetes. In this video, Cassey Ho demonstrates how to do 5 different ab exercises to whittle away belly fat.

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5 Booty-Burning Moves for a Better Butt

Your glutes are some of the strongest muscles in your body, so you need to make sure your butt stays in shape. Watch this video for 5 awesome butt workouts from Cassey Ho of Blogilates.

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5 Exercises for Tighter, Leaner Thighs

Blast cellulite on your thighs and get lean legs with these 5 exercises from Cassey Ho. Watch this video to see the best way to slim down your thighs for leaner legs.

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Cardio-Day Tips from Cassey Ho

Youve reached cardio day! Its time to get your heart rate up and your blood pumping. In this video, Cassey Ho gives a few tips for getting through cardio day and having a successful workout.

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8 Smartwatches That Will Take Your Workouts to the Next Level

Exercisers, rejoice! These time tellers up your game and look great, too.

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4 Steps to Slim, Sculpted Arms

Tracy's secret to trim, toned arms? Hint: It's part strength, part cardio.

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vendredi 4 décembre 2015

4 Steps to Slim, Sculpted Arms

When it comes to achieving an amazing upper half, its not enough to do just bicep and tricep moves. The exercises in this video from Tracy Anderson combine jumping with punching or lifting to trim and firm your biceps, triceps, shoulders and even back and waist.

from Diet & Fitness -

mercredi 2 décembre 2015

10 Superfoods for Weight Loss

Make sure that you include plenty of superfoods in your diet such as avocado, beans, and broccoli, if you want to lose weight. Watch this video for the complete list of 10 superfoods to eat for weight loss.

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10 Simple Tricks to Lose Weight Fast

Looking to ditch those pounds fast? Watch this video for 10 tricks to lose weight painlessly.

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6 No-Effort Ways to Shed Pounds

Watch this video for six easy tips for losing weight—including calorie-cutting swaps and simple ways to trick yourself into eating less (like having soup before a meal).

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mardi 1 décembre 2015

Get Amazing Abs With These 24 Easy Exercises

Sick of crunches? You've got options—24 to be exact. Check out this video with fitness expert Kristin McGee. From planks to Pilates to yoga poses, all of these moves will get you the stronger, tighter, sleeker abs you crave, with a few bonuses along the way (such as a better back, butt, legs, and more).

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mercredi 25 novembre 2015

24 Fat-Burning Ab Exercises (No Crunches!)

Abdominal exercises to burn fat, flatten your belly, and strengthen your core.

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mardi 24 novembre 2015

21 Worthless Foods a Nutritionist Will Immediately Cut From Your Diet

Want to start eating healthier and lose weight? Four nutrition experts share the red-flag foods you should avoid as part of a healthy diet.

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5 Slim Secrets You Learned in Kindergarten

Flashback to the days of enjoying peanut butter power snacks at the kitchen table and hitting the monkey bars on the playground until Mom reeled you in for an early bedtime. Doesn't your 5-year-old self sound like the ultimate health coach? Turns out, she is. “Children are inherently self-regulating. They listen to their hunger cues, they indulge without guilt and they're incapable of sitting still,” says Keri Gans, RDN, author of The Small Change Diet. “These are all healthy lifestyle practices that would serve us well in adulthood, if we implemented them.” With that in mind, we pinned down which kiddie habits are surefire ways to stay in shape, and how to make them work in your grown-up life.

RELATED: 25 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

Listen to your stomach
When kids are hungry, they eat. When they're full, they stop. “We're born wired to obey our appetite, but somewhere along the way, those wires get crossed,” says Gans. Introduce stress, hormones—even boredom— and most of us end up able to list “professional plate cleaner” on our résumés.
The Adult Spin: Reprogram how you gauge your appetite. “For a day or two, dont pay attention to the clock and eat only when you truly feel hungry, not when you think you should eat or just want to,” says Jennifer McDaniel, RD, owner of McDaniel Nutrition Therapy in Clayton, Mo. “Eat slowly, really chewing each bite, so you're able to hear your body tell you when its getting full.”

Play with your food
As every mom knows, kids bring the mess to the dinner table. But there are benefits to getting hands-on with food: One study out of Eastern Illinois University found that when eating pistachios, people who shelled the nuts themselves ate roughly 86 fewer calories' worth than those who gobbled up ones that were already shelled. “When you eat with your hands, you're more aware of everything you put in your mouth. It's more of an engaged, sensory experience than just absentmindedly bringing your fork to your lips over and over,” says Wendy Bazilian, DrPH, author of Eat Clean, Stay Lean.
The Adult Spin: Have a laborintensive (in a good way) side dish or snack every day, suggests Bazilian. Get in there with pods, shrimp in shells, roasted shishito peppers and pomegranates.

Make a meal of dessert
The more children are cut off from sweets, the more they want them, studies show. The same goes for adults, points out Libby Mills, RDN, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “That feeling of deprivation can deflate motivation, making it harder to stick to your diet,” she says. And ignoring sugar cravings can lead you to eat more, she adds: “You have one treat, and then you can't stop because it's such a rarity and has become too important.”
The Adult Spin: Candycoat parts of your meals, so to speak, in order to satisfy your sweet tooth in moderation. Try a Greek yogurt parfait for lunch, layered with fruit and some granola, or indulge in a thin slice of carrot cake with fat-free vanilla Greek yogurt instead of frosting. For a snack, toss sliced strawberries in balsamic vinegar, with a shave of Parmesan cheese.

RELATED: 9 Healthier Dessert Recipes for Fall

Refuse to sit still
Desks, cars and commuter trains have interrupted that childhood state of perpetual motion. “Kids are always on the move,” says Gans. “They're constant calorie burners.” Those active habits help more than just your gut: Sitting for too many hours during the day increases your risk of heart disease, cancer and other illnesses.
The Adult Spin: Invest in a fitness tracker, says Los Angeles celebrity trainer Harley Pasternak. “A FitBit can help you get moving more because it becomes like a game,” he explains. “You can even compete against friends.” Urge each other to move every hour, and compare steps later on.

Have breakfast for dinner
You used to love when Mom and Dad broke the rules by serving eggs and bacon in the p.m.—and it's still a savvy idea. Studies show that eating a high-protein meal helps you stay full longer, and that those who include eggs in their diets consume less overall. “Eggs are protein-packed and filling, and they're a great way to use up leftovers,” says McDaniel.
The Adult Spin: Whip up an omelet with cottage cheese, herbs, fresh or frozen vegetables and deli turkey or chicken for dinner to keep you full until morning, advises McDaniel. The best part? Making breakfast for dinner is a time-saver: You often need just one pan, so there's minimal cleanup required!

RELATED: The 20 Best Foods to Eat for Breakfast

Set up indoors or head to the playground for this fun circuit from Carrie Underwood's trainer, Erin Oprea. (Stay warm while you're at it with the Asics Lite-Show Glove, $30;

Frog Jumps
Get into a wide sumo squat with your palms on the ground between your legs. Then take a big jump forward. Next, take three small hops backward to your starting mark. Repeat for 30 seconds.

Crab Walk
Sit on the ground with your legs bent and your hands behind you, fingers facing feet. Thrust your hips up and hold yourself in a tabletop position. With your core and tush engaged, crawl backward for 30 seconds.
Extra Credit: Do 20 push-ups once you finish.

Use sidewalk chalk or masking tape to set up a hopscotch board. (Or imagine one in your head.) Begin hopping through it— alternating one foot, two feet, one foot, two feet—leading with a single hop on your left leg. Use your right leg for the single hops on the way back. Keep it up for one minute.
Extra Credit: At the end of each lap, do 20 alternating plyometric lunges.

One-Woman Keep-Away
Hold a medicine or slam ball at your chest with both hands and lower into a squat. As you stand, launch the ball from your chest as far as you can throw it. Sprint to the ball, squat to pick it up and throw it back toward the starting mark. Continue for 30 seconds.

Bear Crawl
Put your palms flat on the ground and lower your knees so they're hovering just above the floor. Abs engaged and bum low, move one arm and the opposite leg forward, then switch. Crawl for 30 seconds. Extra Credit Tack on 20 burpees when youre done.

High-Knee Skipping
Add power to a traditional skip by bringing your knees as high as you can toward your chest and swinging your arms to get more momentum. Skip for one minute.

Grab a light speed rope (or mimic the arm motion) and jump for 30 seconds with both feet. Then jump for 15 seconds on your right foot and 15 seconds on your left. For the final 30, jump with high knees.

RELATED: Strength Moves to Burn Fat

Try these nutritionist-approved noshes that are kid favorites fit for grown-ups.

Apple “Panini”
Thinly slice an apple, then put peanut butter or low-fat cheese (Swiss and Cheddar are tasty options) between two slices to create healthy little sandwiches.

Fruit Snacks
These DIY chews are free of preservatives and added sugars: Slice up some fruit and evenly spread out the pieces on baking sheets. (Smaller fruits, like cherries and cranberries, can be used whole.) Set your oven to the lowest possible temperature and bake anywhere from six to eight hours.

Ants on a Log
Fill endive spears with a bit of low-fat cream cheese; chopped, toasted pecans; and dried cranberries.

Rainbow Fruit Skewers
Cut up your favorite fruits and skewer them on bamboo sticks. Dip in nonfat Greek yogurt.

RELATED: 20 Snacks That Burn Fat

from Diet & Fitness -

How to Do Windshield Wipers

Do a round of this yoga-inspired move to strengthen your obliques. In this video, Kristin McGee shows us how to execute Windshield Wipers, which will tone and strengthen your whole core.

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How to Do a Tone-It V Hold

Build strength in your core with this challenging ab exercise. In this video, fitness expert Kristin McGee demonstrates the belly fat-burning Tone-It V Hold. Your abs will thank you!

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How to Do a Teaser Exercise

This advanced Pilates-inspired move can help you get a stronger core in no time. In this video, fitness expert Kristin McGee demonstrates how to do a Teaser for an intense and effective ab workout.

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How to Do the Swan Dive Exercise

Here's a great way to build your core while lying down (and without crunches). In this video, fitness expert Kristin McGee demonstrates the Swan Dive exercise, which strengthens your back and abs.

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How to Do a Supine Twist

Stretch and strengthen your abs at the same time with a Supine Twist. In this video, fitness expert Kristin McGee demonstrates the proper way to get into this relaxing and powerful pose.

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How to Do a Straight-Arm Plank

The plank pose is a great workout for your whole body, from your arms and back to your core. Watch this video to see Kristin McGee demonstrate the perfect plank form and give tips on how to add it to your routine.

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How to Do a Standing Side Crunch

Need a killer ab exercise? Try doing the Standing Side Crunch. In this video, fitness expert Kristin McGee demonstrates how to use a stability ball to build a stronger core.

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How to Do a Side Incline with a Twist

Work your abs, waist, and arms with this exercise. Watch this video to see Kristin McGee demonstrate how to do a Side Incline With a Twist. Your whole body will thank you!

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How to Achieve a Scale Pose

A scale pose can be a challenging move to master. In this video, Kristin McGee demonstrates the best way for both beginners and experts to practice this pose, which is amazing for your core.

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How to Plank on a Stability Ball

Combine two ab-strengthening workouts into one by doing planks on a stability ball. Fitness expert Kristin McGee shows us how to plank on a stability ball for sculpted abs. Watch this video to see how it's done.

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How to Do Plank Hip Dips

Planks are already a powerful exercise for your core. Make them even more effective by adding oblique-strengthening moves to the pose. In this video, fitness expert Kristin McGee demonstrates how to do Plank Hip Dips.

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vendredi 20 novembre 2015

How to Do the Jumping Jack Reach Move

Adding a stability ball makes an ab workout even more challenging. In this video, fitness expert Kristin McGee demonstrates how you can do the Jumping Jack Reach move on a stability ball to tighten your core and boost your energy.

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Tone Your Abs With the Low-Belly Leg Reach Move

This is a great move for targeting your abs. In this video, fitness expert Kristin McGee shows us how to do the Low-Belly Leg Reach, which strengthens your ab muscles and tightens your core.

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How to Do Medicine Ball Russian Twists

Tighten your core and sculpt your obliques with this calorie-torching exercise. In this video, fitness expert Kristin McGee demonstrates how to do Medicine Ball Russian Twists to tone your abs.

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How to Do an Oblique Driving-Knee Crunch

Here's a great way to strengthen your obliques for a tighter core. In this video, fitness expert Kristin McGee shows you how to use a stability ball to do the Oblique Driving-Knee Crunch. Your abs will thank you!

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57 Ways to Lose Weight Forever, According to Science

The ultimate list of research-backed weight loss tips that will keep the pounds off for good.

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How to Do the Hula Hoop Pump Ab Exercise

Who knew an ab workout could be so much fun? In this video, fitness expert Kristin McGee shows us how to use a Hula Hoop (yes, really!) to tighten your core.

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How to Do Cross-Leg Diagonal Crunches

This exercise is particularly good for targeting your obliques, the ab muscles at the sides of your body. In this video, fitness expert Kristin McGee shows us how to do the Cross-Leg Diagonal Crunch, which helps tighten your core and cinch in your waist.

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How to Tone Your Abs with Donkey Kickbacks

This is the ultimate calorie-torching move. In this video, fitness expert Kristin McGee demonstrates how to do Donkey Kickbacks, which tighten your core and tone your glutes at the same time.

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How to Do a Body-Weight Squat

You might not think of squats as being an ab exercise, but surprise—they also work your core. In this video, fitness expert Kristin McGee demonstrates the best way to do Body-Weight Squats to tighten your glutes and flatten your belly at the same time.

from Diet & Fitness -

How to Do Bridge Opposite Arm-Leg Reach

Not only will this move tighten your core, but it can also help improve your focus. In this video, fitness expert Kristin McGee demonstrates how to do the Bridge Opposite Arm-Leg Reach exercise.

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How to Do the Circles in the Sky Exercise

This easy ab exercise can help tighten your core as well as strengthen your inner thighs. In this video, fitness expert Kristin McGee demonstrates the best way to do the Circles in the Sky move.

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jeudi 19 novembre 2015

17 Great Gifts for the Runners on Your List

Find a practical and fun gift that the runner in your life is sure to appreciate—on and off the trail.

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mercredi 18 novembre 2015

17 No-Diet Tricks to Keep Off Holiday Weight

Don't be a victim of holiday weight gain. Take charge of your waistline with these easy ideas to keep the pounds off all season long.

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mardi 17 novembre 2015

Tone Your Core With Boat Pose

In this video, fitness expert Kristin McGee demonstrates how to do the Boat Pose for stronger abs. While it requires a bit of balance, this yoga-inspired move is terrific for sculpting and strengthening your core.

from Diet & Fitness -

How to Do the Belly Blaster

Ready to get flat, sculpted abs in no time? In this video, fitness expert Kristin McGee demonstrates how to do the Belly Blaster move to tone your abs and obliques.

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How to Do Advanced Leg Crunches

Here's how you can take your leg crunches up a notch: Add a weight. In this video, fitness expert Kristin McGee demonstrates how to perform Advanced Leg Crunches, which use a 3- to 10-pound weight to better target your lower abs.

from Diet & Fitness -

vendredi 13 novembre 2015

9 Superfood Upgrades That Will Make Your Meals Even Healthier

Give every meal an upgrade with these hot superfood add-ins—all it takes is a sprinkle or scoop.

from Diet & Fitness -

16 Perfect Gifts for the Yoga Lover in Your Life

The ultimate yoga gift guide for anyone who loves to say om.

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lundi 9 novembre 2015

Train Like an Olympian With Lindsey Vonn's Lower-Body Workout

Lindsey's lower-body workout torches calories and builds muscle in all the right places.

from Diet & Fitness -

Turning 40 Inspired Me to Lose 75 Pounds

Jennifer Lasher
41, 5'6"
Hauppauge, N.Y.
Before: 210 lb.
Dress size: 16
After: 135 lb.
Dress size: 6
Total pounds lost: 75 lb.
Sizes lost: 5

Growing up Italian, I had carb-heavy meals as the usual dinner fare. And while I exercised at times in high school and college, my weight would continually flip-flop: down a few pounds one month, then back up two months later. Once I married and had kids, any interest in going to the gym was gone; the baby weight never went away. By March 2013, I was 210 pounds, my highest ever, and it struck me that I would soon be 40, overweight and unhappy. So I decided it was time to drop the weight for good.

RELATED: 16 Ways to Lose Weight Fast

Real food = real energy
Using all the healthy lifestyle tips I'd learned from magazines and my girlfriends, I cleaned up my diet, swapping deli sandwiches with high-sodium meat and mayo for Tupperware containers of big butter-lettuce salads topped with carrots, walnuts, feta and homemade dressing. Tracking everything I ate held me accountable, and I found that ditching processed foods left me with more energy, a clear head and better skin, too.

Couch to 26.2
Next, I tackled a longtime goal: running. I had wanted to start my entire life, but I never had the confidence to lace up my sneakers. With a friend, I slowly moved from power walking to hitting the trails for 10-milers. It was overwhelming at first—I was often out of breath—but I quickly gained strength. Thanks also to my healthy eating, I dropped 35 pounds in four months. I reached my goal weight of 140 in September 2014, and now I'm happily at 135 pounds! I'm even running my first marathon next May. I'm not out there to break any records, just to run and love it.

RELATED: 15 Eating Habits That Make You Live Longer

Jennifer's Weight-Loss Journal
To lose big, Jennifer got advice from friends. Now she's sharing her own hard-won secrets. Find even more tips at

Set scary goals
My goal is to run 100 miles in a month. I finally hit it (and then some) this past August, with 104.

Spiralize it!
As an Italian-American, I find it tough to cut out pasta, but I use zucchini linguine or spaghetti squash instead. It's just as delicious!

RELATED: 7 Ways to Eat More Veggies

Carry a Mary Poppins purse
My bag is always packed with nuts, apples and hard-boiled eggs. It stops me from getting so hungry that I overeat.

Become an early bird
My old excuse: I have no time to exercise with two kids and a full-time job. Now I fit in a two-mile run and strength training at 5 a.m., long before my children get up and I head to work.

Share your transformation
Did you reshape your body? Tell us about it at and let us know what diet and fitness strategies worked for you.

What Jennifer is wearing
GapFit gFast Print-Panel 21" Capris ($60;; Space-Dye Running Pullover ( for similar styles); and Interlace-Back Tank ($40;

from Diet & Fitness -

mercredi 4 novembre 2015

25 Genius Ways Fitness Trainers Stay Motivated to Exercise

The smart tricks personal trainers and fitness instructors use to drag themselves to the gym—because even your perky Pilates instructor needs a pick-me-up once in a while.

from Diet & Fitness -

mardi 3 novembre 2015

lundi 26 octobre 2015

The 20 Best Foods to Eat for Breakfast

These staples and mix-ins will give you all the energy and nutrients you need in the morning.

from Diet & Fitness -

vendredi 16 octobre 2015

4 Exercises for Flat Abs and Trim Hips

It’s hip bolting: moves that stabilize the hips and flatten the belly. Ready to see results?

from Diet & Fitness -

jeudi 15 octobre 2015

20 Tricks to Stay Slim Without Thinking About it

Forget counting calories. Instead, follow these totally doable waist-whittling tips that happen to require zero deprivation.

from Diet & Fitness -

mercredi 14 octobre 2015

How to Tell If an Avocado is Ripe

Looking for tips on picking the freshest and ripest avocados? This Cooking Light video has the top 6 things you need to know about this delicious and nutritious fruit.

from Diet & Fitness -

mardi 13 octobre 2015

8 Gym Bags for Every Type of Workout

Eight cool carriers for all your workout essentials.

from Diet & Fitness -

A Ski Adventure Freed the Old Me

For the past couple of years, I hadn't gotten around to working out, despite my best intentions. I was consumed with keeping up with my 4-year-old and tending to a colicky baby as I fueled myself with coffee and soothed my nerves with an evening glass or two of wine. I was still carrying the 20 pounds I'd gained from pregnancy, along with another 10 I put on post baby. (Breast-feeding apparently doesn't burn off daily doughnuts and dishes of ice cream.) I felt trapped and depressed, and I regularly fantasized about who I was before I became a mom: a fairly stylish and ambitious woman who never left the house without lip gloss on. Now I frequently snapped at my husband and felt oppressed by the endless household to-dos.

And then, salvation: an invitation to ski at two Wyndham resorts, in Beaver Creek and Aspen, for five days (on a press trip). I grew up skiing but hadn't done it in forever. As much as I wanted to go, though, my motivation was at rock bottom. My husband—fully aware that I was a mom on the verge nudged me, and we moved heaven and earth (and paid a lot of babysitters) to make it happen.

RELATED: Best. Skiing. Ever!

During the week leading up to the trip, I was filled with trepidation: What if I fall and break my leg? What if Im too out of shape to ski? On my first day at Beaver Creek, as I queued up for the bunny slope with another woman on the trip, Sarah, embarrassment struck. I'd skiied since age 4 and yet here I was, surrounded by kids just starting out because I was so rusty. As we stood at the top of the mountain, I felt shaky: Even that small hill looked enormous.

RELATED: The 10 Most Slimming Vacations

I took a deep breath of mountain air and pushed off. My anxiety was quickly replaced by amazement that I was actually skiing. I felt a bit stiff, but I managed to keep my speed under control and avoid veering into anyone. At the bottom, I high-fived Sarah and we decided to do a green run. As we ascended the mountain, my nerves flared up once more: We're going so high, and there's only one way down.

Sarah led the way, and I followed her tracks, wobbly at first but warming up. We reached the bottom and did it again, then again. That afternoon, I got up my guts to tackle a few small moguls. As I zipped over the little bump-bump-bump, a guy behind me gave me a “Woo-hoo!” I knew I'd gotten my ski legs back.

By day three, I was flying down black diamonds and literally saying to myself, "Winning!" I started to cry as I came over a crest one morning, and it wasn't just the view of the Rockies. I saw a glimmer of the girl I used to be: brave, athletic and full of life. I couldn't wait for my kids to meet her.

RELATED: A Running Vacation Rebooted My Spirit

Back home, I hummed as I washed the dinner dishes and laughed while my kids pummeled me with pillows at bedtime. I returned not only a more relaxed mom, but a healthier me. Soon after, I joined a boot-camp class at the gym and started tracking what I ate with an online log, replacing foods like my usual lunchtime grilled cheese with a salad and grilled chicken.

In 45 days, I lost 9 pounds, and I've kept the weight off. Cutting back on wine to just weekends has helped; because I'm exercising and eating right, I no longer need that crutch. And since I'm not dealing with blood sugar highs and lows from sweets, my mood is more stable and I don't get crabby.

RELATED: Secrets to a Stress-Free, Happy, Healthy Family

My biggest revelation of all: My family can survive just fine without me (at least for a few days). And, wow, is that freeing. Sure, I still have to chauffeur the kids around to activities and vacuum up their crumbs. But I now realize that these tasks don't define who I am, and I'm less resentful. I've since taken several day trips to local ski mountains, and I've been inspired to get my daughter on skis, too.

I love the woman I am when I'm strong and healthy. And I'll be damned if I lose her again.

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4 Top Exercises for Your Hips and Abs

Hips don't lie; if they're weak, you'll have a saggy stomach and be at risk for injuries. In this video, contributing fitness editor Tracy Anderson shows you four moves that will firm them up and give you a stronger, flatter belly. Do these six days a week, paired with 30 to 60 minutes of cardio.

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jeudi 8 octobre 2015

Best Superfoods for Weight Loss

Superfoods build bones, prevent chronic diseases, improve your eyesight, and even keep your mind sharp. But did you know new evidence suggests these foods can also help you get—and stay—slim?

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mardi 29 septembre 2015

How to Avoid Gaining Weight in College

Worried about the "Freshman 15"? The goods news is that college weight gain usually isn't that bad, around 5 pounds on average. Still, watch this Cooking Light video for helpful ways to eat healthy and stay slim while furthering your eduction.

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lundi 21 septembre 2015

9 Best Workouts to Do When You Have Your Period

Soothe period pain with these cramp-crushing exercises.

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mercredi 16 septembre 2015

8 Best Foam Rollers to Ease Your Aches

Not on the foam rolling bandwagon yet? This is a fitness trend that's here to stay. Here's how to buy the best one for you.

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4 Exercises to Lose Your Gut and Boost Your Butt

Protruding stomachs and saggy tushes will be a thing of the past, thanks to this power workout.

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Pin It: The Jillian Michaels Circuit Workout

It's not much of a stretch to say that nobody knows how to build power, speed, strength, and flexibility better than Jillian Michaels. This comprehensive workout, which she created for Health, trains the muscles in a way that will bust through even the most persistent plateau. Do it four times a week, paired with 20 minutes of high-intensity interval training, and watch your body be transformed.

Go back to the full workout

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How to Burn Off 24 Holiday Foods

Try these inventive (and fun!) ways to work off that sweet potato casserole.

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Weight-Loss Success Story: From Couch Potato to Pro Bodybuilder

Jasmine Pitts
26, 5'10"
Before: 185 lb.
Dress size: 12/14
After: 145 lb.

Dress size: 4
Total pounds lost: 40 lb.
Sizes lost: 5

At age 10, I had a 15-year plan: play basketball every day, join a college team and make the WNBA. But a year into undergrad, I was still just a walk-on, and I realized that my WNBA dreams were unrealistic (and my engineering degree would earn me more money). So I quit to focus on my studies. At the same time, I was doing what most college kids do—partying—and lost the motivation to work out. I graduated in December 2011 weighing 185 pounds.

Facebook wake-up call
Diploma in hand, I moved to Indianapolis. Lonely in my new apartment and flipping through my tagged Facebook photos, I suddenly saw how big I'd become. I was confused: Why didn't anyone tell me? I needed to make a change. I got the Insanity DVDs and followed the program every night after work for 90 days. Then I'd cook a dinner that was much healthier than the dining hall food of the previous four years. Eating clean and another cycle of Insanity got me to 135 pounds by September 2012.

RELATED: 8 Great Workout DVDs to Try Now

A new lift
I had already hit my weight goal, but I wanted to get stronger. I started lifting and quickly developed some definition. But it was my aunt—who went from being overweight to a world-champion bodybuilder—who inspired me to take it seriously. In June 2014, I entered my first bodybuilding competition, and I placed in the top five! I've since competed three more times. While I'm still an engineer by day, I've discovered a way to live out my dreams of going pro—as a bodybuilder.

Jasmine's Journey to Fit
Jasmine relied on a winning combo of exercise and better eating. Steal her tricks, and get even more at

Just add color
I buy workout clothes in crazy colors—they give me energy.

Switch up your push-ups
Create a diamond shape with your forefingers and thumbs to really target your triceps.

RELATED: 11 Best Exercises to Get Strong, Toned Arms

Find instant motivation
I started listening to motivational speeches on YouTube during workouts. My favorite: "I Am a Champion" by Coach Flowers.

DIY protein bars
I make my own protein bars by mixing oats with nuts or dried fruit—whatever sounds good—then adding a bit of heated unsweetened almond milk to bind the dough before pressing it into a sheet pan (no baking needed).

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5 Diet Fails You're Probably Making

If the pounds won't come off, you're not alone. According to a survey by Marketdata Enterprises, the average American dieter makes four or five attempts to lose weight each year. It's a vicious cycle: "After a while, you feel discouraged when you don't get results, and that can wear away at your motivation," says Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD, author of The Flexitarian Diet. These dieting upgrades should do the trick once and for all.

RELATED: 13 Best (and Worst) Ways to Measure Body Fat

Diet fail #1: Counting every single calorie
Don't get us wrong—plenty of research has shown that we routinely underestimate the number of calories in our food. But when you're trying to lose weight, diet quality matters more than calorie count. A 2012 study in JAMA found that people on a low-carb, low-glycemic diet burned more calories than those who followed a low-fat, high-carb diet. "Foods that are high in carbs slow metabolic rates compared with diets higher in fat and protein," says David Ludwig, MD, director of the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center at Boston Children's Hospital. What's more, high-glycemic foods (sugar, bread, potatoes) spike blood sugar and stimulate cravings.

Diet redo
Focus on foods that are low in junky carbs and rich in protein. Just choose your protein carefully. A 2015 study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that folks who upped their intake of yogurt, seafood, skinless chicken and nuts lost the most weight; those who increased their consumption of red and processed meat put on pounds—particularly when it was paired with high-carb foods. (But swapping the carbs for low-glycemic foods, like veggies, helped lower weight gain.)

RELATED: 17 High-Protein Snacks You Can Eat On the Go

Diet fail #2: Limiting yourself to mini meals
You've heard it a million times: Small, frequent meals help you lose weight by revving your metabolism and controlling your appetite. But dividing a 1,200-calorie-per-day plan into six meals can leave you with a growling stomach and short-circuit your diet. "You need protein, fiber and carbs in each meal to feel full, and it's tough to get that in just 200 calories," explains Blatner. In most cases, people end up overeating at their small meals—it's easy for a teaspoon of almond butter to unintentionally become three. Plus, says Blatner, "because you're faced with more food decisions, you're constantly taxing your willpower."

RELATED: 20 Best Foods for Fiber

Diet redo
Think three solid meals a day. "You're a lot more likely to stick to a diet that's simple—planning six healthy meals is overwhelming," says Blatner. While you're at it, front-load calories. A 2013 study in Obesity found that people who made breakfast their biggest meal were at least twice as likely to lose weight and trim their waistlines as those who "saved" calories for dinner.

Diet fail #3: Always eating the same foods
This tip gained popularity after a 2011 study showed that women who ate mac and cheese daily for a week took in around 100 fewer calories each day than they normally did. But a recent study conducted by Hollie Raynor, PhD, associate professor of nutrition at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, revealed that when people on a calorie-restricted diet were limited to two types of junk food, they didn't lose more weight than dieters who could eat any kind they wanted.

Diet redo
Branch out. As Raynor says, "Experimenting with different fruits and vegetables could prompt you to eat more of them." Vary your protein, too—a lot of us skimp on superstars like fish and beans.

RELATED: 12 Weight-Loss Secrets From Celebrity Chefs

Diet fail #4: Doing daily weigh-ins
Regular scale checks have been linked to better weight-loss maintenance, but you can overdo it. One Journal of Obesity study found that women benefited less from daily weigh-ins than men. "Hormonal fluctuations can cause water retention, making it harder to get an accurate reading," says Liz Weinandy, RD, of the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. "Plus, weight is more likely to be an emotional issue for women. Someone who gets a bad reading can think, 'What's the use of trying?'"

Diet redo
Hop on the scale about once a week—enough to sanely stay on track, according to a Plos One study. Wednesday is good, say Finnish researchers, since most of us get heavier on weekends and then drop the weight during the week.

Diet fail #5: Trying to work off the pounds
Eat less, move more: It's the most basic advice, and yet the two strategies aren't equally effective. "Weight loss is 80 percent diet, 20 percent exercise," says Craig Primack, MD, an obesity medicine specialist at the Scottsdale Weight Loss Center in Arizona. Calorie burn from exercise is too minimal to compensate for subpar food choices. The average person would have to walk 35 miles to burn the 3,500 calories it takes to lose just 1 pound.

RELATED: 12 Mental Tricks to Beat Cravings and Lose Weight

Diet redo
Keep active and clean up your diet. In fact, women who did both lost more weight than those who did only one or the other, showed a study in Obesity. "Exercise also makes people feel better about their bodies and themselves," notes Dr. Primack, "and that makes it easier to stay with a diet and workout plan."

Unexpected Ways to Eat Less
Distract yourself
In a study in the journal Appetite, people who played Tetris for three minutes found that their desire to nosh diminished faster than those who weren't distracted. We tend to visualize cravings; mind-stimulating activities stop us from picturing that brownie.

Go to sleep earlier
Lack of shut-eye can add flab, says a Mayo Clinic study that found that sleep-deprived people consumed an extra 549 calories per day, compared with those who were well-rested. Try to follow the National Sleep Foundation's guidelines and get seven to nine hours a night.

RELATED: A Sleep Meditation for a Restful Night

Eat more vivid foods
When food contrasts with the color of a plate, you tend to eat less, per research from the Cornell University Food and Brand Lab. People devoured more spaghetti and sauce when it was served on a red plate versus a white one; portion size wasn't obvious, so they OD'd.

Turn off the TV
Seeing commercials for food while watching television can trigger people to snack, according to a study published in the journal Health Psychology. That sounds like the perfect excuse to settle in for an (ad-free) Netflix binge instead. Or just pick up a good book.

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Pin It: Tracy Anderson Butt Workout

"When women come to see me, the two places they want to tackle first are the core and glutes," says Tracy Anderson, Health's contributing fitness editor. Lose your gut and boost your but with this four-move workout routine. Go back to the full workout

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mardi 15 septembre 2015

4 Fast Booty and Ab Exercises

Protruding stomachs and saggy butts will be a thing of the past, thanks to this power workout. In this video, Health contributor Tracy Anderson shows you how to get maximum fitness impact with minimal time spent at the gym. Do the sequence six times a week for results you'll love.

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jeudi 3 septembre 2015

13 Best (and Worst) Ways to Measure Body Fat

What's the best way to calculate your body fat? Experts separate the legit from the ridiculous.

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vendredi 28 août 2015

Bloated All the Time? 11 Reasons Why

Always bloated? Surprising ways to flatten your belly and ease bloating fast.

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mardi 25 août 2015

Weight Loss Success Story: "I Lost 96 Pounds"

Suheily Rodriguez
27, 5'7"
North Wales, Penn.
Before: 236 lb., size 18
After: 140 lb., size 2

Total pounds lost: 96 lb.
Sizes lost: 8

Growing up Puerto Rican, I ate meals that were mainly rice-based and filled with fried plantains and pernil (roast pork). My saving grace: I was active—a cheerleader and a gymnast. But once I graduated from high school, the number on the scale shot up. Two pregnancies later, I weighed 236 pounds. The worst part: I couldn't walk for long without my ankles and knees throbbing. Still, it wasn't until I saw the few photos I was unable to dodge from a trip to Puerto Rico in December 2011 that I was forced to confront my size; it was staring me right in the face. Though I had tried and failed to lose weight before, I decided to give a healthy lifestyle a go one last time.

No more drive-throughs
Starting in March 2012, I cut back on carbs, eliminating my daily helpings of rice, bread and pasta. Then I added more fruit and vegetables to my diet. I also traded in fast-food stops for home-cooked meals, feasting on spring-mix salads topped with chicken breast, salmon or tilapia every day. Within three months, I knocked off 10 pounds. Next I got a handle on my portions, serving my meals on my son's mini plates.

Home-gym slim
Thirty pounds lighter, I was ready to sweat. The problem: I was too embarrassed to go to a gym. So I built a home one, where I exercised an hour a day six days a week. I dropped another 25 pounds by September. Just as exciting, I was able to fit into size 6 jeans! This motivated me to kick up my training intensity. I started using ankle weights while on the treadmill and when doing leg exercises. That really helped me firm up. One year after committing to getting fit, I reached my goal. Even better, I no longer want to hide when a camera comes out.

Secrets of a 96-pound loser
A doable diet and exercise plan were the keys to Suheily's makeover. Try her tactics, and find even more at

Flat-belly trick: Eat yogurt
When I have more Greek yogurt (I like Yoplait's tropical flavors), even for just a week, my tummy is instantly flatter.

Fitspiration: Massiel arias
I stumbled across her on Instagram (@mankofit). She posts great workouts and fitness challenges.

Workout must: Electronic dance
I listen to Tiesto's podcasts; the fast pace makes me push harder.

Go-to meal: Kimchi jjigae
It's a Korean stew made of kimchi, tofu, chili pepper, pork belly, red pepper paste, sesame oil and scallions, and it's pretty low-cal, too.

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Weight Loss Success Story: "I Finally Put Myself First"

I was never a healthy eater. In fact, the only reason I was able to stay thin for so long was that I was a cardio addict. That ended when I remarried in 2011; focusing on my newly blended family left little time for workouts. The result: I put on 25 pounds in less than a year. One time, someone even asked when my baby was due! Still, it wasn't until December 2012, when I saw a video of myself looking doughy all over, that I knew it was time to take action.

RELATED: The Same 10 Weight Loss Mistakes All Women Make

Up for the challenge
I started 2013 off with a promise to exercise but didn't get my butt in gear until February, when I joined the Labrada Lean Body Challenge, a 12-week fitness contest. Through it, I learned about strength training, which I did nightly. I also made sure to fit in an hour on the stairmill or treadmill each morning before work. I shed 18 pounds in three months.

Back to basics
I also focused on eating better; I measured and weighed everything. The hardest part was cleaning up my cooking habits. I learned to use zero-calorie seasonings, as well as olive oil instead of butter, sugar and salt. The results quickly showed; I peeled off 2 to 3 pounds each week. Then the scale started creeping up again, but this time it was because of the lean muscle I was building. I didn't mind it—those new, "strong" pounds whittled my body fat percentage down by more than 15 percent! Seeing my frame transform made it clear to me that I needed to stop feeling guilty for making myself a priority—to be a good mom, I had to be a healthy one.

RELATED: 13 Women Who've Lost 100+ Pounds

4 Tips to Keep Pounds Away
How does Twyla stay so lean and toned? Check out her favorite strategies below, and find even more tactics at

Sweat with your spouse
My hubby and I make exercise outings "our" time. We'll go to the gym for an hour and lift weights together. Having him there keeps me accountable.

Swap out store-bought
I make healthier versions of sweets: For chocolate chip cookies, I use unsweetened applesauce instead of butter and sub in oat flour for white.

Workout must: Military press
There is something about this exercise that makes me feel empowered and strong. Plus, I love training my shoulders, and this really works that part of my body.

Pull out that stopwatch
I love that I can jog three miles in 24 minutes now; before, it took me 46 minutes! Tracking my running times and seeing how far I've come helps me stay committed.

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mercredi 19 août 2015

Why You're Not Losing Belly Fat

Can't budge the belly fat? If you've been targeting your tummy with little success, it's time to find out if you're sabotaging your efforts. Here are 10 common traps to avoid in the battle of the bulge.

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mercredi 12 août 2015

Weight Loss Success Story: "I Got My High School Body Back"

Danica Bellini
25, 5'3"
Bradley Beach, N.J.
Before: 183 lb.
Dress size: 12
After: 123 lb.

Dress size: 2
Total pounds lost: 60 lb.
Sizes lost: 5

Some people gain the freshman 15. I gained the college 50. Here's what happened: I grew up vegetarian, eating my mom's dinners built around fresh produce from her garden. Then I went to college, where the only meat-free options in the dining halls were oily pizza and fries. And with my mind focused on studying for my double major, I stopped paying attention to what I was eating. By the time I graduated in 2012, I was up to 183 pounds.

Good-bye, greasy grub
Fast-forward nine months; I was living and working in Manhattan and finally had some disposable income. I decided to prioritize my health and sign up for Nutrisystem. I had never been good at meal planning, so the structure was perfect for me. Each day, I got four preportioned meals, including dessert. I supplemented them with fresh grocery items, like little packets of peanuts that kept me satiated between meals. By just nixing the fast food and hoofing it through the city, I knocked off 40 pounds.

RELATED: 9 Little Tweaks That Make Walking Workouts More Effective

Making it on my own
Still, I knew that walking alone wasn't enough, so in February 2014, I joined a gym and loaded up on classes. (Zumba was a fave!) Within a month, I shed those last 10 pounds. These days, I live in a New Jersey boardwalk town; being by the beach—where I can swim, bike and run—inspired me to work off 10 more pounds. I still get meals delivered, but only because it makes life easier. I'm once again the healthy eater my mom raised.

Drop It Like Danica
Get all the tricks that helped Danica keep off the pounds, and find even more tips at

Bring your gym anywhere
I love the Cardio Sculpt and Black Fire videos on DailyBurn. They're amazing for tightening my abs!

RELATED: How to Stick to a Workout Plan

Pump the beats
I'm a music writer, so I'm always adding to my workout playlists. Social Distortion's "Highway 101" is an old fave!

Get good grains
My power pick: quinoa. It's versatile and filling. I add it to salads with sliced grapes.

Find a friend
I've never been a big runner, so I grab a buddy if I need an extra push. Or, if we want a break from running, we'll do yoga on the beach.

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mercredi 5 août 2015

14 Ways You Lie to Yourself About Your Weight

No, your jeans did not shrink in the wash. Here are the common fibs that could be sabotaging your slim-down.

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lundi 3 août 2015

4 Lower-Body Moves to Tone Your Legs and Butt

Squats and lunges aren't the only moves that will get your lower body in top form. In this video, Health contributor Tracy Anderson demonstrates 4 exercises that target those tough-to-reach muscles that help you pull in your stomach, boost your backside, and sculpt your thighs.

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mercredi 22 juillet 2015

4 Calorie-Torching Leg and Butt Exercises

Get ready to break out those short-shorts! These plyometric moves from Nora Tobin are sure to slim down your legs and butt. Watch this video to learn how to do this high-powered, lower body workout.

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Get in the Best Shape of Your Life

Excuses for those extra pounds? Oh, you've got good ones: Maybe you had a kid or two. Maybe an injury came between you and your Zumba addiction. Maybe you moved, switched jobs, got really busy. Or perhaps it was just the damn holiday cookies. Whatever the cause, you're eager to reclaim your shape; you're just not sure how.

Celeb trainer Tracy Anderson, 37, feels your pain. You'd never tell by looking at her rock-solid body, but 14 years ago, five-foot-tall Anderson struggled to shed the 60 pounds she gained while pregnant with her first child. "I ate everything in sight," she says. "I swam if I felt like it, or did a walk, but I had no exercise strategy or regimen." After getting back in shape, she used her experience to create The Tracy Anderson Method, an ever-changing set of exercises designed to whittle the body into shape; they helped her drop the 30 pounds she gained while pregnant with her second baby in just four months.

The program uses lower resistance and high reps that firm without adding bulk, inspiring a devoted following that includes Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Lopez, Nicole Richie, and Molly Sims. Anderson's shape-up, designed especially for Health readers, "will sculpt the arms, legs, and core and pull your body into its healthiest proportions," she promises—even if it's been a while since you were on speaking terms with your abs. As she says, "Our muscles are really powerful; they'll do what we empower them to do."

The workout basics: an hour of exercise four to six times a week, split up into 30 minutes of cardio (whether it's Anderson's dance aerobics DVD or a combo of running, skipping, and galloping sideways on a treadmill) and 30 minutes of muscle sculptors. If you can't fit one focused hour of exercise into your schedule, break up the cardio and the moves; just make sure you do the full 30 minutes of each.

As for the food part of the program (you knew that was coming!), it's a 1,400-calories-a-day mix of lean protein, nonstarchy veggies, and healthy carbs, created by Ashley Koff, RD, author of Mom Energy. Stick with the single serving sizes and do not skip meals, Koff cautions: "It'll play with your body's energy signals, making it harder to make good choices and reach your goal."

Follow both parts of Health's plan and you could drop up to 12 pounds in one month, ultimately lose more than 35 pounds, and get the most buff you've ever been. "Once that first breakthrough happens," Anderson says, "it's the most freeing thing in the world."

Here's how to do it:

How to Stick to a Workout Plan
Anyone who's paid for a gym membership knows this much: Starting a workout program is one thing, but keeping at it? Challenging! Stay motivated with the help of Anderson's seven stick-with-it strategies.
8 Moves to a Stronger and Leaner You
These exercises by Anderson are designed to work body parts in the most muscle-targeted, time-efficient way. (All together now: Woo-hoo!)
How to Eat Right on 1,400 Calories a Day
Koff has a philosophy—that you should eat the right amount of nutrients at each "eating occasion"(that's Koff-speak for three meals and one snack a day). To make it easier, follow the RD's six pound-melting tactics.
The 1,400-Calorie, Metabolism-Boosting Meal Plan
When Koff tells her clients they get to eat at least 1,400 calories on her plan, they're pleasantly surprised. But it's overly restricting calories or skipping meals that backfires.
How Molly Sims Lost the Baby Weight
Molly Sims has had her share of firsts in the past 16 months. She got married to producer Scott Stuber in September 2011. Then last June came the most thrilling production of the model/actresss life: the birth of her first child, Brooks Alan Stuber. But she soon found herself facing another first—losing the 50 pounds she gained during pregnancy. Anderson and Koff to the rescue!

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Before and After Weight Loss: Once "Lumpy," Now Lean

If I hadn't taken up running, I'm not sure how much I would weigh now—but I know it would be a lot. By the time I found the sport, I tipped the scales at more than 200 pounds. It didn't help that I had just moved to New York City, where fit, slim people surrounded me. I felt lumpy and bumpy, like America Ferrera at the beginning of Ugly Betty! So I started walking—and before long, I was running. Within a few months, I had dropped 40 pounds.

Found: my inner athlete Getting lighter made running easier and, in turn, more fun. To stay on track, I signed up for the New York City Half Marathon. I trained for 3 1/2 months, even through winter. Logging all those miles had a direct impact on my diet. The more I ran, the better I ate. I ditched meals that came in greasy paper bags (think burgers and fries) for ones that fueled my runs, such as pasta, eggplant and kale. The combination of eating clean and training hard helped me shed another 10 pounds (and gave me a pair of killer legs!). In March 2011, when I crossed the finish line at the half marathon, I felt an amazing sense of accomplishment. I was hooked.

The hardest race Six months later, I ran my first marathon. I've since completed four more, including this year's Boston Marathon. I finished minutes before the bombs went off. It was very scary; I was close enough to feel the explosions in my bones. Although I'm signed up to run the Chicago Marathon next month, I'm not sure if I will. I'm afraid to race right now. But I know I'll keep running. It has changed my body—and my life.

Secret Weapons, Shared Cipriana reveals what keeps her going strong every day.

The Inspiration: My Brother, Federico I ran my first marathon to help raise money in his name for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. He died from complications relating to diabetes when he was 23.

The Go-To Snack: Trader Joe's Instant Miso Soup Honestly, it doesn't get any easier: Just add water, and you have a quickie snack in seconds. Plus, it's filling and low-calorie.

The Idol: Allyson Felix She is a beast! Not only is she gorgeous, she's superpowerful and superfast. She has also dominated the last couple of Olympic Games in track and field. I'd love to run like her.

The Must-Have Gear: Girlie Skirts I dress ultrafeminine when I run. I'm talking sparkly headbands and skorts with ruffles. No one expects the girl in the skirt to be an actual athlete—that is, until my pretty, ruffly skirt bounces away in front of them!

Share Your Transformation

Have an amazing body makeover of your own?

Tell us about it at and let us know what diet and fitness tricks worked for you.

Share your transformation! Have an amazing body makeover of your own? Tell us about it. E-mail before-and-after photos to and tell us what worked for you. Please include your phone number.

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The New Way To Lose Weight Fast

A buzzy British eating plan called the Fast Diet grabbed our attention when it jumped the pond to the United States this spring. The diet—which involves cutting your calories two days a week—was created by Dr. Michael Mosley, MBBS, a science journalist, and built on research suggesting that intermittent fasting (IF) can not only help people shed weight but also reduce their risk of heart disease and diabetes. While the concept of fasting for health benefits and weight control has been around for centuries (even Hippocrates recommended it!), it has been gaining momentum in recent months thanks to Dr. Mosley's book The FastDiet (as well as other expert-penned IF offerings, including The 2-Day Diet). Curious? Here is an exclusive excerpt of the book—along with our own version of a 500-calorie day.

Why I created this plan, by Dr. Michael Mosley, MBBS

About 15 months ago when I was 55, I went for a medical checkup and had a nasty shock. I discovered that although I looked quite slim, I was actually a TOFI (thin on the outside, fat on the inside). Internal fat, also called visceral fat, is the most dangerous sort of fat because it wraps itself around your internal organs and puts you at increased risk of heart disease and diabetes. Blood tests showed I was a borderline diabetic and had a cholesterol score that was way too high. Obviously I was going to have to do something about this.

What convinced me to try intermittent fasting? Well, a large number of studies with animals and humans have shown that it's good for health and weight loss. One of the best-researched forms of intermittent fasting is alternate-day fasting, in which you cut calories every other day. I, however, found ADF too difficult to do on a regular basis.

Instead I decided to cut my calories just two days a week. I started calling it the 5:2 Fast Diet because for five days a week I was eating normally, and for two days a week I limited myself to 600 calories a day.

After three months, I had lost 19 pounds (down from 187 to 168), and my body fat had dropped from 28 to 21 percent. I lost 3 inches around my waist and stopped snoring, which delighted my wife and quite possibly the neighbors. Even better, my diabetes and heart disease risks, as indicated by blood tests, improved in spectacular fashion. My wife, Clare, who is also a doctor, was impressed. She regularly sees overweight patients who have blood chemistry like mine had been, and she said none of the advice she gives them has had anything like the same effect.

The basics

The Fast Diet is different from other programs because you diet for just two days a week. On fast days you eat healthily, but around a quarter of what would be normal for someone of your gender (500 calories for women or 600 for men).

There are various ways to handle fast days; some people prefer to eat all their calories in one sitting, others split them between breakfast and dinner, and others have three small meals over the course of the day. You have to see what works for you. [Note from the editors of Health: We recommend dividing the calories into mini meals, as shown at right.]

How to choose the right food

Because you eat less than normal on a fast day, it's important that you choose foods that will keep you satisfied longer.

Aim for fare that's high in protein, rich in fiber and has a low glycemic index, since high-GI foods (like bread, potatoes and rice) are likely to make your blood sugar spike, then crash. The Fast Diet doesn't recommend boycotting carbs entirely or living permanently on a high-protein diet. But the combination of proteins and low-GI foods on a fast day are helpful weapons in keeping hunger at bay.

On your fast days, go for healthy options that are low in saturated fat, like steamed white fish, skinless chicken, low-fat dairy, shrimp, tuna, tofu and other plant-based proteins. Nuts, seeds and legumes (beans, peas and lentils) have lots of fiber to fill you up (nuts may be high-calorie, but they're generally low-GI and satiating). Eggs, meanwhile, are low in saturated fat and full of nutritional value. They won't adversely affect your cholesterol levels, and they score a mere 90 calories each, so an egg-based breakfast on a fast day makes perfect sense; poach or boil them to save on calories. Two eggs plus a 1¾-ounce serving of smoked salmon clocks in at a sensible 250 calories.

When to fast, when to feast

Monday is an obvious choice for a fast day, particularly if it follows a social weekend. For that reason you might avoid Saturdays and Sundays, when family lunches and brunches, dinner dates and parties make calorie-cutting a chore. Thursday would then make a sensible second fasting day. But be flexible; don't force yourself to fast when it feels wrong. If you're stressed or tired on a day that you have designated a fast, try again another day. But do aim to establish a pattern. That way your fasts will become familiar. Be kind to yourself, but be tough, too.

Reshaping your body—and appetite

The first thing you can expect is to lose weight, thanks to the simple law of thermodynamics (weight loss occurs when energy in is less than energy out). If you cut to 500 calories two days a week and don't compensate by eating more on other days, you should lose 1 to 2 pounds a week. This won't be all fat: Some of it will be water and some digested food in your body. You can expect, however, to lose around 10 pounds of fat over a 10-week period.

You should find that over the weeks your BMI, body fat and waist measurement will drop. Your cholesterol count and blood glucose levels will also improve. The changes will start to show up in the mirror as your body becomes leaner and lighter.

Hopefully your food preferences will adapt, so that even on non-fast days you will begin to choose healthy foods by default. You will also learn to recognize the sensation of being pleasantly full—satiated, not stuffed. The upshot? No more food hangovers, improved digestion, more bounce.

If you continue to fast and feast with awareness, all kinds of other changes should occur. You may discover that you've been suffering from portion distortion. Muffins will start to look vast. You might go from a Venti to a Grande to wanting only half a cup, no sugar, no cream. If you are like me, then one day soon, you'll arrive at a place where you say no to the cheesecake because you don't want it, not because you are denying yourself. This is the baseline power of intermittent fasting: It encourages you to recheck your diet. And that's your long-haul ticket to health.

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lundi 20 juillet 2015

3 Easy Portion Control Tricks

You have to cut your portion sizes to lose weight, but nobody wants to count down the minutes until their next meal. Watch this video to discover simple ways to eat less without feeling hungry.

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mercredi 8 juillet 2015

10 Protein-Packed Pulse Recipes That Satisfy

These delicious superfood recipes feature chickpeas, lentils, and other pulses.

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A Running Vacation Rebooted My Spirit

"These runs just aren't doing it for me anymore," I griped to my husband after finishing my usual four-mile trail. For months, I hadn't felt the exhilaration I once did. Worse, my weight had begun to creep up, along with anxiety and insomnia.

"Maybe you should start cycling again," Gordon said.

"But I like to run," I responded. "It's my thing, like triathlons are yours."

"Then sign up for a half marathon," he suggested, "to push your mileage."

RELATED: 15 Running Tips You Need to Know

"Ugh." I'd given up competition years before, when I realized it sucked the joy out of running. Still, I felt an uncomfortable pang at my resistance to trying a new activity. There was a time when I had been up for anything: backpacking through the Austrian Alps, canoeing in the remote Canadian wilderness. Where had that fearless woman gone?

A few days later, Gordon came home with a grin on his face and announced, "I have just the thing to get you out of your exercise rut—a four-day running vacation in Spain!" Excited, I visited the website of the tour company, Running and Trekking Costa Brava, and stopped cold. Each day would include 11 to 15 miles of running, with hundreds of feet of climbing and steep descents. I'd never even finished more than eight miles at once. I could feel a knee-jerk no forming in my mind, along with the reasons: too difficult, too scary. "Sign us up," I blurted, before I could talk myself out of it.

RELATED: 4 Exercises to Beat a Fitness Plateau

I trained for 12 weeks, pushing my mileage with each outing. By the time we arrived in Girona, Spain, and met up with the tour group—five avid runners, most of whom were younger than me by at least a decade—my legs were significantly stronger, and there was less squishy flesh around my waist. My mind, however, was in worry overdrive: What if my slower pace drags the group down? What if I embarrass myself? What if I fail?

The first morning, we set off on a narrow single track that traversed upward through a forest of cork trees. Within minutes, Gordon and I fell behind, and it wasn't his fault. Distracted by distress over feeling slow, old and unfit, I tripped on a tree root and fell hard, scraping flesh off my left elbow and bloodying my knee.

Dabbing at the wounds, I felt tears of self-doubt and discouragement pooling. Back home, I had created a life structured around things I was good at: writing, raising our sons, being part of our community. For the first time in a long while, I was out of my comfort zone. My ego felt as raw and exposed as my oozing elbow.

RELATED: 24 Motivational Quotes

I pushed on, though, and we arrived at a breathtaking promontory, the gem-bright sea in front of us. "Can you believe we're here?" asked a crazy-fit woman, throwing her arms around me. I couldn't. Relief flooded through me. No one cares if I'm slow! Look where I am!

For too long, I had carefully avoided activities that challenged my competence, from a hip-hop class to a speaking engagement. I'd thought my fitness routine was in a rut. In reality, it was my mind-set that was stuck.

Over the next three days, we covered miles of difficult terrain; I went at a comfortable pace at the rear of the pack. The running never felt easy, but it never felt impossible, either—and that made me proud.

Standing atop a 2,200-foot mountain on the last day, I gazed down at the miles of trail we'd climbed. I felt strong, confident—almost invincible. I pulled out my phone to take a photo and saw a text from a bookstore owner back home, inviting me to read an essay at an event. Public speaking is my biggest fear, period. Ordinarily, I'd say no as fast as my fingers could type. Instead I replied, "Sure, happy to do it." And I meant it.

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mardi 7 juillet 2015

4 Sneaky Reasons You're Overeating

You're probably eating more than you think you are, says Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD. Discover four unexpected things that boost your calorie intake so you can get your diet back on track.

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jeudi 2 juillet 2015

10 Healthy Eating Habits That Will Change Your Life

Boost your energy, drop pounds, and feel happier than ever with these diet tweaks.

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mardi 30 juin 2015

12 Ways to Beat Summer Weight Gain

Yes, you can pack on pounds during the warmer months. Here are the summer fat traps to watch out for.

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jeudi 25 juin 2015

7 Ways to Keep Alcohol From Ruining Your Diet

If you have more than a few drinks a week, the calories start to add up fast. Slim your drink order with this expert advice.

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lundi 22 juin 2015

12 Weight-Loss Secrets From Celebrity Chefs

These pros work for some of the biggest names (and hottest bods) in the business. Now they're ready to dish out their best advice to you.

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jeudi 18 juin 2015

Get Rock-Star Arms Right Now

Tracy Anderson reveals her secret recipe for strength and definition.

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9 Best Fitness Trackers

Keep tabs on your movement—and push through plateaus—with one of these smart wearables.

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How to Do a Perfect Plank

You'll find the plank in just about any type of workout, whether it's yoga, Pilates, or even CrossFit. But it's all too easy to cheat at this move, and you may not even realize you're doing it. Here's how to do a plank perfectly.

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mardi 16 juin 2015

Weight Loss Success Story: The Baby-Weight Whisperer

Natalie Jill
43, 5'2"
San Diego
Before: 175 lb.
Dress size: 10/12
After: 113 lb.

Dress size: 2
Total pounds lost: 62 lb.
Sizes lost: 4

In my 20s and early 30s, I was obsessed with what I should and shouldn't eat. But when I got pregnant in 2007, I finally had an excuse to eat whatever I wanted, and I quickly piled on 50 pounds. Deep down I knew that I was overweight, but it wasn't until I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirrored window on a walk with my baby that I saw all the extra weight. Before I got pregnant, I was a motivator at my corporate job, pushing people to do their best; I needed to apply that same attitude to getting back in shape.

RELATED: Pregnant? How to Eat Right

Becoming a fitness force
My first goal was to simply get moving every day, even just by taking a walk outside. And I decided to re-up my nutrition and fitness-trainer certifications, which I had first gotten years ago. As I studied, I would test out each body-weight move and even make up some of my own. With each passing week, I could see myself growing stronger; I had muscle popping out everywhere.

New career kick-start
Next, I cut out processed foods. Posting photos of my meals on Facebook helped me drop the 50 pounds I'd gained, plus an additional 12, in less than two years. My friends and their friends were sharing my meals and workouts; I suddenly had a big social media following! So I created an e-book called 7 Day Jump Start, which got so popular that I founded Natalie Jill Fitness in 2012. I don't hide my backstory—gaining weight is just a reality for pregnant women—but I do let women know: You're not stuck with those pounds for life.

RELATED: How to Stick to a Workout Plan

Natalie's Knock-It-Off Tips
How did Natalie drop 62 pounds? With these smart strategies. Find even more tactics at

Inject some fun
When I'm looking for workout motivation, I pull out my favorite neon exercise clothes for a burst of energy. Plus, yellow and pink make me feel upbeat!

Hit the floor
My go-to: plank-based moves. They're great for shaping your abs and upper body. Just make sure you're engaging your core, keeping your glutes tight and tucking your pelvis under to protect your lower back.

Think: Healthy fats
I eat a lot of protein-packed meals filled with good fats. My favorite is shrimp with a ton of veggies, all cooked up in coconut oil.

RELATED: 17 High-Protein Snacks You Can Eat On the Go

Find your inspiration
My 420,000 followers on Instagram keep me going! Follow me at @nataliejillfit.

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