lundi 26 octobre 2015

The 20 Best Foods to Eat for Breakfast

These staples and mix-ins will give you all the energy and nutrients you need in the morning.

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vendredi 16 octobre 2015

4 Exercises for Flat Abs and Trim Hips

It’s hip bolting: moves that stabilize the hips and flatten the belly. Ready to see results?

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jeudi 15 octobre 2015

20 Tricks to Stay Slim Without Thinking About it

Forget counting calories. Instead, follow these totally doable waist-whittling tips that happen to require zero deprivation.

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mercredi 14 octobre 2015

How to Tell If an Avocado is Ripe

Looking for tips on picking the freshest and ripest avocados? This Cooking Light video has the top 6 things you need to know about this delicious and nutritious fruit.

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mardi 13 octobre 2015

8 Gym Bags for Every Type of Workout

Eight cool carriers for all your workout essentials.

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A Ski Adventure Freed the Old Me

For the past couple of years, I hadn't gotten around to working out, despite my best intentions. I was consumed with keeping up with my 4-year-old and tending to a colicky baby as I fueled myself with coffee and soothed my nerves with an evening glass or two of wine. I was still carrying the 20 pounds I'd gained from pregnancy, along with another 10 I put on post baby. (Breast-feeding apparently doesn't burn off daily doughnuts and dishes of ice cream.) I felt trapped and depressed, and I regularly fantasized about who I was before I became a mom: a fairly stylish and ambitious woman who never left the house without lip gloss on. Now I frequently snapped at my husband and felt oppressed by the endless household to-dos.

And then, salvation: an invitation to ski at two Wyndham resorts, in Beaver Creek and Aspen, for five days (on a press trip). I grew up skiing but hadn't done it in forever. As much as I wanted to go, though, my motivation was at rock bottom. My husband—fully aware that I was a mom on the verge nudged me, and we moved heaven and earth (and paid a lot of babysitters) to make it happen.

RELATED: Best. Skiing. Ever!

During the week leading up to the trip, I was filled with trepidation: What if I fall and break my leg? What if Im too out of shape to ski? On my first day at Beaver Creek, as I queued up for the bunny slope with another woman on the trip, Sarah, embarrassment struck. I'd skiied since age 4 and yet here I was, surrounded by kids just starting out because I was so rusty. As we stood at the top of the mountain, I felt shaky: Even that small hill looked enormous.

RELATED: The 10 Most Slimming Vacations

I took a deep breath of mountain air and pushed off. My anxiety was quickly replaced by amazement that I was actually skiing. I felt a bit stiff, but I managed to keep my speed under control and avoid veering into anyone. At the bottom, I high-fived Sarah and we decided to do a green run. As we ascended the mountain, my nerves flared up once more: We're going so high, and there's only one way down.

Sarah led the way, and I followed her tracks, wobbly at first but warming up. We reached the bottom and did it again, then again. That afternoon, I got up my guts to tackle a few small moguls. As I zipped over the little bump-bump-bump, a guy behind me gave me a “Woo-hoo!” I knew I'd gotten my ski legs back.

By day three, I was flying down black diamonds and literally saying to myself, "Winning!" I started to cry as I came over a crest one morning, and it wasn't just the view of the Rockies. I saw a glimmer of the girl I used to be: brave, athletic and full of life. I couldn't wait for my kids to meet her.

RELATED: A Running Vacation Rebooted My Spirit

Back home, I hummed as I washed the dinner dishes and laughed while my kids pummeled me with pillows at bedtime. I returned not only a more relaxed mom, but a healthier me. Soon after, I joined a boot-camp class at the gym and started tracking what I ate with an online log, replacing foods like my usual lunchtime grilled cheese with a salad and grilled chicken.

In 45 days, I lost 9 pounds, and I've kept the weight off. Cutting back on wine to just weekends has helped; because I'm exercising and eating right, I no longer need that crutch. And since I'm not dealing with blood sugar highs and lows from sweets, my mood is more stable and I don't get crabby.

RELATED: Secrets to a Stress-Free, Happy, Healthy Family

My biggest revelation of all: My family can survive just fine without me (at least for a few days). And, wow, is that freeing. Sure, I still have to chauffeur the kids around to activities and vacuum up their crumbs. But I now realize that these tasks don't define who I am, and I'm less resentful. I've since taken several day trips to local ski mountains, and I've been inspired to get my daughter on skis, too.

I love the woman I am when I'm strong and healthy. And I'll be damned if I lose her again.

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4 Top Exercises for Your Hips and Abs

Hips don't lie; if they're weak, you'll have a saggy stomach and be at risk for injuries. In this video, contributing fitness editor Tracy Anderson shows you four moves that will firm them up and give you a stronger, flatter belly. Do these six days a week, paired with 30 to 60 minutes of cardio.

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jeudi 8 octobre 2015

Best Superfoods for Weight Loss

Superfoods build bones, prevent chronic diseases, improve your eyesight, and even keep your mind sharp. But did you know new evidence suggests these foods can also help you get—and stay—slim?

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